People are so fascinated by pets and animals that they often collect things that are related to the types of animals they like. Some people wear zebra-look clothing, others wear snakeskin belts and hats. If birds are your thing you probably have birdhouses, a birdbath, and maybe even a collection of ceramic birds. I know of a really cheap craft thats helps you create adorable little bird nest decorator pieces that youll love. Use ordinary thread - yeah, even the tangled up thread in that drawer - and make bird nests of assorted colors to display around your house.
If you have tangled thread, cut out a big bunch of it, and use it for a bird nest. If you dont already have some tangled thread, unwind a bunch of thread, then rough it up to entangle it.
Although you can really use any color of thread you want for the bird nest youll create the best one if you dont mix odd colors together, like red and blue thread. But, some colors can be combined to make a nice nest, like brown and beige. In the end, your nest can be any color(s) you want. Shape the thread into a nest shape - the best you can for now. It can be helpful to place the thread in a bowl or other object to get the general shape. Sprinkle embossing powder over the nest. Youll find the embossing powder at a craft store; it will serve as glue for the nest. Lay a piece of parchment paper on a piece of foil and put them on a baking sheet. Bake the nest in the oven at a low temperature until the powder melts. Keep a close eye on the thread so you dont burn it. After removing the nest from the oven use implements of choice to shape it further as it cools. A spoon, a pencil, or even a handle from something, could be used to shape the nest as well as the indentation in the center of the nest. Purchase small wooden eggs at a craft store and paint them the colors you want. Apply glue to one side of each egg and settle it where you want it in the nest. If you want to make the nest even sturdier, cut a piece of thin cardboard, and glue it to the bottom of the nest. Make sure the cardboard is small enough so that it cant be seen when the nest is sitting on a shelf or elsewhere. If you want, add an extra accent by gluing on a tiny bird from a craft store. Youll probably go crazy and make a little bird nest for nearly everyone you know because thread is so inexpensive, and so are wooden eggs, but the finished nest is absolutely adorable, even if they are cheap. Thread Bird Nest
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