At the upcoming baby shower, the new mom and the guests will think youve put out lovely decorations, but in reality, theyll actually be gifts! You can make the most adorable gift boxes that look like baby building blocks that can hold small surprises for a new boy or girl. Make as many or as few as you want then set them around as baby shower d?cor. When its time to open the gifts just present them to the mom.
Cube-shaped boxes are necessary to make the gift cubes. The boxes must have a lid thats hinged by a fold. Close the lid and glue the flap in place so the lid can no longer open. If the box is white you can use it as-is. Otherwise, paint the box the color of your choice and allow to dry.
On four sides of the box glue on a piece of scrapbook paper, gift wrap or fabric. Make each side look different by the supplies you choose. Set the cube on a table. Forget the top and bottom of the cube, and for now, decorate only the four sides. Do so by first gluing the chosen paper to each side. These papers should be just a fraction smaller than the side of the cube, all the way around so that you can see the paint. On these four sides glue a letter to spell out "BABY" - one letter on each side. This can be done by cutting the letters out of other paper or by using stickers. After the lettes are in place you can then decorate the other sides any way you want. Cut around the paper on one side of the cube that features a "B". Cut up one side, across the top of the paper, then down the other side, but dont cut across the bottom. This creates a small door by which the gift can be viewed. Now youll make a small closure for the door. One way to make it is to simply attach two pieces of ribbon. Glue one ribbon to the decorative paper and the other ribbon to the box itself. Tie these together to close. Another way to make the closure is to glue a tiny square of cardboard inside, at the top, just behind the cut area of the box. With the door open, glue the piece so that the edge of it is along the edge of the cut area of the box. The cardboard piece should hang down slightly, so that when you open the box you can see it. Attach a small Velcro dot to this cardboard piece and the opposing dot to the door. Inside the cube you can place a small stuffed animal, booties, a rolled-up garment, socks, hair accessories, gift cards or other small objects. As the beautiful cubes sit around the room no one knows theyre actually gifts. The new mom will love them!
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